Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Family Activities News
Family Activities News: Get Your Brains Working!

By Dawn Percoski, CT State Grange Family Activities Director

  MARCH 3, 2025 --

Collecting G notes will be a great team building exercise. It has a goal; anyone can join in and it’s for a good cause. I would like to challenge you all to think of ways you can improve the Grange and give new members a chance to join in with their ideas. Family Activities is all about being inclusive. Are there members who have mentioned some ideas that you can build on? Maybe there are ways to tweak that idea so that it reaches more members for participation? All you need to do is have a brainstorm session, maybe only 10 minutes of your time. Have people call out different ideas and have someone write them down perhaps on an easel if you have one. Leave them  where  everyone  can  read them later. Challenge all members to take home one idea and come up with the same 3 steps for your next meeting. One, make it into a goal, two, make it inclusive to all mem- bers and three, have an outcome with definitive time frames. Brain- storming is a great tool that a lot of business’s use because it works. Maybe the ideas you come up with can be turned into resolutions or a fun event. The possibilities are endless so let’s get those brains working!



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