June 6, 2022 -- June 9: Painting by Diane Palmer. Election of Officers. Ref. at 7 P.M. with meeting at 7:30 P.M.
July 14: Bastille Day by Debra Tyler
By the time you are reading this, our Plant and Rummage Sale will have taken place on June 4th. We are hoping for good weather.
At our May meeting we found more donations on the entry bench that the Family Activities Committee is sponsoring and taking to the animal shelters. People are very generous. The Foodless Food Sale went viral on our Facebook page (reached 920 people, 106 engaged) and raised the most money we have ever gotten from the poem written by Jean Lundeen many years ago.
Our contractor Whetstone Builders, who is repairing the tree damage to our Grange Hall, told us that we will have the roof shingled by the end of May. With the end in sight we are thinking of a “party” with an open house to celebrate come autumn. All of you will be invited with thanks for the help.