MAY 18, 2015 -- At the April meeting, the Norwich Grange installed two new Officers Susan Kenney as Lecturer and Jolene Whitney as Lady Assistant Steward.
We played the Rain Rain Go Away game by passing the Umbrella until the music stopped. We also had a class on identifying the parts of the umbrella and the history of the umbrella.
We welcomed a new member John. We voted to accept two more new members.
Jeff Barnes, from the State Executive Committee, examined and audited our books. We did well on our audit.
The Grange will be having their annual fair on August 1, 2015. We are looking for vendors. ( Ten dollars for a table outside. ) Jolene Whitney represented the Norwich Grange for the State Fair Association. We will be having a Membership table at our next fair.
Our Chaplain, Dick Tarryk, delivered Easter gifts to a local Nursing home. We are now collecting gifts for a Veteran’s charity. Please remember to bring a gift for a veteran to our next meeting. Our May meeting will be about flowers. Come and join us! Visitors are Welcome! |